privileged adj. 1.特权的;有特权的;特殊待遇的。 2.特许的;专用的。 3.特免的;(由于特殊情况)不受一般法规制约的。 4.【天主教】(祭坛等)庆祝大赦的弥撒中特设的。 the privileged few 少数享受特权者。 a privileged communication 法律上无论何时皆可拒绝公开的(医生与病人、律师与委托人间等的)通信。
The manager is challenged to find systematic ways to share his privileged information . 管理者被要求寻找系统的方法,以便与他人分享其特殊的信息。
He says not to tell you , all right ? lt ' s privileged information 他说不告诉你,行了吗?这是个人隐私
That ' s privileged information , eyes - only , need - to - know and all that 这是特级情报,高级机密,绝不外泄
Exceptions thrown by asp . net site navigation features do not expose privileged information Asp . net站点导航功能引发的异常不会公开特权信息。
This message is for the sole use of the intended recipient ( s ) and may contain trade secrets or other confidential and privileged information 此邮件可能包含商业秘密或其他机密和特有的信息,只给特定接收者使用。
Authorization is the process of determining access and privilege information about specific database objects and actions for a supplied user id 授权是决定指定用户id对特定数据库对象和动作的访问和特权信息的过程。
Chao chien - ming was found guilty wednesday of using privileged information to buy shares of a partly state - owned property development company 赵建铭星期三被认定利用特权信息购买一家部份国有房地产开发公司股票的罪行成立。
Review and test custom classes in your web application for invalid input and requests to help ensure that privileged information will not be exposed when exceptions occur 请对web应用程序中的自定义类进行测试,查看是否存在无效的输入和请求,以帮助确保当发生异常时不会公开特权信息。
None of them should take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation , concealment , abuse of privileged information , misrepresentation of material facts , or any other illegal trade practices 任何人员不可通过操纵、隐瞒、滥用信息、歪曲事实、或其他任何非法商业行为以获取不公平竞争优势。
We also discussed some of the finer details of privileges , including implicit privileges , the differences in authorization between static and dynamic sql , and how privilege information is stored in the system catalog tables 还讨论了特权的某些细节,包括隐式特权、静态和动态sql之间授权方式的差异以及特权信息如何存储在系统编目表中。